Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf Game with Fizban!

Werewolf Game with Fizban!
00:30:48 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

From the people that brought you Werewolf with Ares, Werewolf Round 6 with Hugh Hefner, and other Werewolf rounds, it's time to start thinking about a new round as Scientist's is winding down, and I'll step up to host! :-P

All you vets know the drill. Sign up your names, and I'm going to think up the theme, etc.

The game definately won't start until Scientist is finished with his round.

00:50:25 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Yay if I was playing this round I could be number 1, unforunatly im going on holiday on Sunday and wont be within 10 miles of a computer for 12 days or longer. So I wish this round well.

02:41:41 Jul 28th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

1. Shezmu

03:45:20 Jul 28th 07 - Lord Senturu:

I demand to know if this round is over or not. if its not then FIZBAN shut it. dont start recruiting people into a new game, if you want to do that. please start a new thread geeze. (if you host the next round im sure ill be the first to die now :(.....)

05:12:53 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

1. Shezmu

2. Gaius Septim

05:30:57 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Bwahahahahaha. Yes you will for dare speaking up like that Senturu. The whole point of this thread is to 'test the waters' and see who all will be interested and to decrease the lag time from Scientist's round. Also, I said this game won't start until Scientist's is over anyways, so in the words of Samuel L. Jackson: Read the Motherfrickin' thread before you motherfrickin' post!


06:07:05 Jul 28th 07 - Lord Senturu: i saw was clicked on it.....and....yea.....BITE ME...

06:11:07 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:


1. Shezmu

2. Gaius Septim

3. Atreides

08:38:04 Jul 28th 07 - Lord Senturu:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Gaius Septim
  3. Atreides
  4. Senturu

10:12:03 Jul 28th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Gaius Septim
  3. Atreides
  4. Senturu

13:03:38 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Gaius Septim
  3. Atreides
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister

14:35:13 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Messiah:


14:42:28 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Gaius Septim
  3. Atreides
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven

14:51:11 Jul 28th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Fizban hunny, dont let septim play please!!! *looks cute* :P also don't let me die. hehe

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Senturu
  4. hathor
  5. 9 Goldmeister
  6. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  7. Natalia

15:17:45 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Senturu
  4. hathor
  5. 9 Goldmeister
  6. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  7. Natalia
  8. Aben II

15:22:49 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Sorry, the only way I'll kill him is with inactivity. Oh, I'll make it clear now, if you don't post at least once in the voting rounds, you're kicked that round. Period.

16:26:51 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II

20:05:13 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Fizban:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah

22:11:11 Jul 28th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

Fizban.. you're not Messiah

multi? :s

22:22:01 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Love:

lol Fizban i didnt know you where my brothers multi. U coulda just told me a long time ago. Damn alot of info we coulda gathered from Legacy.


01:08:55 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince

06:08:39 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Nah, he put his name down but didn't stick it in the list and I'm trying to see just how many people are playing so I can make the appropriate amount of roles.

06:14:23 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

Inactivity? Errrr...

*Septim starts dancing with a cane to draw attention while yelling: "I'm active! I'm active!"

10 days outta 15 I'm one of the most active people here...

20:52:40 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Love:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love

21:20:33 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

ime in...

03:43:08 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

I swear I am amazed by the intelligence of some of the people here...

06:20:38 Jul 30th 07 - Sir Fizban:

I know. Now go watch yourself in Eps 24 and 25 right now. :-:P

09:05:55 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive

ime unlucky...

15:33:29 Jul 31st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Congrats evil for the other round. (Please notice that all the girls who played were evil this round. :-P)

Anyways, I'm giving everyone another 24 hours to sign in before this round starts up as there's just a few people in here, so if any of the other regulars aren't playing please beat them upside the head until they will.

15:40:57 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Cros:


15:50:37 Jul 31st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Yeah fizban don't make up any stupid roles then give them to me, also your a control freak :p, i'm still waiting for a reaction

16:40:57 Jul 31st 07 - Lord Mac:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. 9 Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive
  14. Mac
Good Luck buddy :)

16:48:50 Jul 31st 07 - Ms. Spoon:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. Goldmeister
  7. sa, sa, sa, salaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive
  14. Mac
  15. Spoon

16:49:37 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Cros:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. Goldmeister
  7. Aalaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive
  14. Mac
  15. Spoon
  16. Cros

19:06:36 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. Goldmeister
  7. Aalaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive
  14. Mac
  15. Spoon
  16. Cros
  17. The lovable Iwasfrozen

22:02:41 Jul 31st 07 - Sir Fizban:

No Natalia, I'm a SADISTIC control freak. :-P

Keep signing up folks. The more people that do, the more roles I have to make. ;-)

22:05:54 Jul 31st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:


02:52:38 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Alright, hello everyone. This is your ol' pal Fizban! Now I've been hanging around in your world of 'Fantasia' for quite some time. However, there comes a time that I want to go back home and check up on things. Especially since I'm one of the most powerful mages in existance!

Anyways, through his power, Paladine's gonna let me bring a few people with you. Howvever, he's also worried that Takhisis is going to try and corrupt a few of the souls that he'll be bringing over in  the process. Anyways Paladine will equip some of the people whose souls are pure with the ability to fight back, and I'll guide you all around the world of Krynn.

(Still going to give more time for people to sign up.)

02:59:35 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Well, I already know how to defend myself...does he take abilities away and give them to others?"

13:35:50 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

SPOON how dare you remove my 9!!! Now its just 6... wheres the fun in that!

13:55:51 Aug 1st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

alright sadistic control freak, no stupid roles ok!

17:20:05 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Scientist:

  1. Shezmu
  2. Atreides
  3. Gaius Septim
  4. Senturu
  5. hathor
  6. Goldmeister
  7. Aalaras lentorix vineraven
  8. Natalia
  9. Aben II
  10. Messiah
  11. Lelouch the Black Prince
  12. Love
  13. defensive
  14. Mac
  15. Spoon
  16. Cros
  17. The lovable Iwasfrozen
  18. Supreme Scientist, Deathdealer To Worlds And Realms Alike

18:33:05 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Good x 13
1. Adventurers (5)

2. White Robe Mage (Seer) -                
3. Mystic (Fool) -
4. Cleric of Paladine (Magistrate)-                                                               
5. Mercenary  (Vigilante)-                                                                       6. Kenders (Masons) (3)-                                                                           7. Knight of the Rose (Hero)  

Evil x 5
1. Draconians (Werewolves) (3)
2. Dragon Highlord                                                                                       3. Cleric of Takhisis
4. Black Dragon - 

Special Roles will be explained shortly (as I'm still at work :-P )  and messages will be sent out this evening.                 

03:37:42 Aug 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

ohhhh. can i be the knight of the rose?

06:11:11 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Roles -

Knight of the Rose works like the hero from last round. He'll trigger once there's 10 people left in the game.

Dragon Highlord -

The Dragon Highlords are the generals of the armies of Takhisis and carry special favor with her. Therefore they have two abilities. The first allows them to go out and kill a person each night. If they kill 4 people, Takhisis rewards them with a dragon mount (see Black Dragon below). The second of which allows them to 'corrupt' one individual and bring them over to his control (Team Evil) with all abilities intact. (Ability can only be used once) The only character immune to this is the Knight of the Rose.

Black Dragon -

If the Highlord kills 4 people, then the Dragon comes into play. Dragons are highly intelligent beings, crafty in the arts of magic and with brute force. Dragons can discern the true nature of their prey (like a seer) and can kill 1 person a night.

Now for the game -

Once upon a time, there was a great and powerful mage known only to the people of Fantasia as Fizban. Now, Fizban wasn't originally from Fantasia, but was sent here to observe its people and to figure out their nature. After spending years on this world, Fizban decided that he needed a holiday. So, being the powerful mage that he is, he gathered up 18 travellers from the world who were brave enough to cross over the planes and see a foreign land.

As Fizban gathered the people, he made a loud and rather long prayer to Paladine when a portal appeared in midair. Fizban walked through and the others followed. However, Takhisis was waiting for the return of the old mage. Using her own divine magic, she placed a curse on four people and subverted another one using seduction and promises of power. The curse turned the four into savage dragon-like (or an actual dragon as the case may be), however these four turn back to their normal forms come daylight causing them to be Takhsis' deadliest agents.

Paladine, not to let the balance be thrown off gave his blessings to those that remained and instructed Fizban to keep an eye on the whole group as he started to go around and see his homeworld of Krynn.

*The group ends up in a kinda small town where all the houses and other important buildings (except for the blacksmith) are up in trees. One of the favorite places to gather in the town of Solace is the Inn of the Last Home (it has a tavern to those interested. :-P) and it's there that the adventure starts. Fizban's portal puts everyone off right at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the place*

"Alright everyone, I want you all to get re-adjusted after your portal travel. I'm sure that's not a feeling that everyone experiences every day! Tell ya' what, we won't leave this place this day. This will give you a chance to get to know each other better. Oh... and no killin' or I'll fireball you whole lot."

*Fizban then mutters about how well the trees are keeping the sun out of his eyes and he sits down next to one of the giant vallenwood trees, leans back against it and starts taking a nap.*

(Roles are being sent out, this is a day period. No voting.)

06:14:36 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks around and starts mumbling to himself

"Hmmm, interesting place this is, where is i-ah here it is!"

*Septim finds his flask and takes a drink, he then turns to the group

"I am Gaius Cephorus Septim, pleased to meet your acquaintance"

06:46:27 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

(ooc: One more side-note. I took out the Cleric of Takhsis and replaced it with the Highlord's corrupt ability. Thanks)

07:00:14 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks over to the blacksmith and buys a knife and some polish, he then goes over to the jewler and buys a nice ruby, he comes back, grabs a branch, and carves it into a nice wooden cane, he sets the ruby in the tip and uses magic to seal it in, he then polishes the cane.

"There we go! Now I can poke people!"

*Septim starts poking Defensive with his cane

07:04:02 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

(ooc: Alright, roles are sent. Let the games begin. Everyone has to post at least ONCE during daylight hours. (I will be enforcing the kicking rule seriously) Night time turns will be at everyone's discretion.)

07:35:13 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

Goldmeister hopes that this game wont deteriorate into another spam round as it did last time Septim and Defensive were together. The G-man walks over to Fizban and lies down next to him

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